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{Worldwide} Traditional Foods You Should Try from Around the World

In line with our “food themed” posts lately, we’d like to share a sponsored post from editors at InsureAndGo. 


Every country has its traditional dishes, but not all of them are particularly appetising. Most of them, however, are so sublimely delicious, that every time you think of them, your mouth waters and your stomach rumbles.

We’ve put together a list of food from around the world that are almost certainly worthy of a try – not just because they’re traditional, but because they are so delicious too.



Whilst in India, you’d be mad not to try a traditional Indian curry. It’s not like the curry you’d pick up from your local curry house back home; they’re fresh, spicy and a lot healthier than your typical British takeaway.

A popular curry in India is the rogan josh, which originated in the Kashmir region. It consists of lamb with peppers, tomato and red chilli. If your tastes are a little sensitive, don’t worry, because the rogan josh is only medium heat, which means it’s not too hot.



The healthiest traditional food belongs to the Japanese. Sushi is packed with carbohydrates (the good kind!) and stuffed full with natural minerals. It’s is available everywhere around the world, but a traditional dish always tastes better when it is prepared in its home country.

Fugu Nigiri Sushi

Fugu Nigiri. Photo credit: (c) 2006 Eden Politte

Another (expensive and deadly) Japanese delicacy is fugu (puffer fish). Inside the organs of the puffer fish lives a deadly poison known as tetrodotoxin. Despite its dangers, licensed chefs still regularly prepare fugu for high-society types and thrillseekers. It’s one of the most celebrated dishes in Japan. If you have the chance to delve into a plate of fugu, take it!



In England, Sundays simply wouldn’t be the same without a traditional Sunday roast. The dinner consists of meat (most often beef, chicken, turkey, lamb or pork) with roast potatoes, Yorkshire puddings, carrots, broccoli, cauliflower cheese, peas, swede, parsnips and turnips, topped off with gravy. Normally served around mid-afternoon, a traditional English Sunday roast will leave you feeling satisfied well into the evening. But if you still need a little more, why not try finishing the meal off with some apple crumble and hot custard?

If you happen to drop by a seaside town whilst in England, make sure you tuck into some fish and chips! A heft lump of hand-battered cod or haddock with nice, fat chips really warms you up (especially useful given the unpredictability of England’s summer weather)!



The landscape, castles and history of Scotland are sure to take your breath away, and the food isn’t bad either. If you need to rest after a day of trekking through villages and mountains, stop off at a local pub restaurant and get yourself some traditional haggis. It doesn’t sound at all appealing at first, but with all the trimmings, it really is a delicious meal.

Haggis is sheep’s pluck (heart, liver and lungs) minced with onions, oatmeal, suet, spices, salt and mixed-in stock. Haggis is traditionally simmered in the animal’s stomach, although nowadays it’s prepared in the casing on the sheep’s intestine instead. Haggis is served with what the Scottish called “neeps and tatties”, or swede and potatoes.

Like I said, it doesn’t sound too appealing, but after taking in the Scottish air, and appreciating the stunning views, finishing the day of with a traditional Scottish meal is a must-do.

Haggis in Scotland

Haggis, neeps, and tatties at the King’s Wark in Leith. Photo credit: (c) 2006 Ville Miettinen


Each region in Germany has its own traditional food, so it’s worth travelling around the country and experimenting with local delicacies. Here are a couple of my favourites:

Germany is famous for its sausages. With over 1,500 types of sausage (or wurst) within the country, you’re not short of choice. The most popular is the Bratwurst, which is made from ground pork and spices. Another popular variety is the Nürnberger Rostbratwurst which is a very small pork sausage which is normally seasoned with fresh marjoram which gives them their distinctive flavour.

Not only famous for their sausages, Germany is also known for the beautiful fresh bread on offer. With over 6,000 types available, including grey bread and black rye bread, the options are almost endless. Pop into a local market for some taste-testing.



Italian food is known, loved and enjoyed by millions of people around the world, but if you really want to experience the tasty and traditional Italian cuisine you need to visit the country itself.
When you’re walking around one of Italy’s small towns, make sure you pick up some freshly made Italian bread, some gorgeous cheese and some beautiful wine (the shop keeper will recommend you one if you’re not too sure which to choose). Nothing beats sitting in a quiet place with a beautiful view, and tucking into some lovely food and sipping a delicious glass of wine.

If you don’t fancy preparing your own food, go to a traditional small Italian restaurant. Start off with antipasti – I normally go for a meat-based one, which includes salami, prosciutto, finocchiona, and some pancetta. You normally get some freshly-baked bread with it as well. Each restaurant has their own variation of antipasti, but it’s usually enough to whet your appetite and get you ready for your main course.

Italian antipasti

Italian antipasti. Photo credit (c) 2007 avlxyz

You can really tell that the Italians are passionate for their food, which make you really appreciate the meal you are given, they certainly know how to cook.



If you’re travelling to Cambodia, you’re likely to come across a lot of tropical fruits, rice, noodles, soups and fresh fish. Typically, Cambodians will eat their meals with 3 or 4 dishes, each one being either sweet, sour, salty or bitter.

A popular and traditional dish that’ll come across in Cambodia is amok trey. It is fish with a thick coconut milk layer, topped with kroeung, which is similar to thai curry paste. The fish is either steamed or baked in a cup made from banana leaves. It’s unique taste is memorable; I guarantee you will have more than one dish of amok trey whilst you stay in Cambodia.


Wherever you’re travelling to, don’t forget to buy a comprehensive travel insurance policy. Visit Insure and go for an instant quotation.

Have you tried the food outlined above? What are some of your own “traditional foods” favorites from around the world?
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  1. Aussie on the Road
    November 9, 2011 Reply

    I’ve tried a lot of the above, but none of them while in the country in question. Really is no excuse for me not trying sushi while I was in Japan in 2009…

    I did do a good job of trying kimchi (South Korea), a hungi (New Zealand), and kava (Fiji) though. And Vegemite here in Oz :-p
    Aussie on the Road recently posted..Geeking Out at Mana Bar, BrisbaneMy Profile

  2. Richard in Spain November 9, 2011 Reply

    If you’re in Catalonia in the Spring then you should definately try Calçots with delicious Romesco sauce. Theyre only available when “in season” which is from about Feb thru to April.

  3. Arti
    November 5, 2011 Reply

    You can also try a whole range of vegetarian food items in India, each region is blessed with its own flavor and taste.
    A great post giving a list of not to be missed foods from so many different countries.
    Have a fabulous day.
    Arti recently posted..Photographical Memories from the Himalayas: Waterfalls…My Profile

  4. adventureswithben
    November 1, 2011 Reply

    Amarula in South Africa.
    adventureswithben recently posted..30 Ways to Celebrate Turning 30My Profile

  5. I don’t think I could ever eat a dish that was poisonous if prepared incorrectly – I don’t care how delicious it is! That freaks me out. 😛
    Christy recently posted..Art and Rebellion: An Art Squat Attempts to Survive Berlin’s Changing LandscapeMy Profile

  6. Anything in Germany is great! Schnitzel, soups, sausage and beer. Love love love it all!
    Debbie Beardsley recently posted..A Beautiful Resting Place in SalzburgMy Profile

  7. Annie - FootTracker October 31, 2011 Reply

    I have always wondered what is worth eating in England (you have no idea how many people I asked could not give me a recommendation about food there for some reason…), Thanks for sharing ^^

    I personally love “Iron Egg” from Taiwan XD
    Annie – FootTracker recently posted..5 Ways to Tour San FranciscoMy Profile

  8. jenjenk
    October 31, 2011 Reply

    oh, i could go on…and on…and on about foods in Japan. *love*!!!
    jenjenk recently posted..My Top 10 Travel Bucket ListMy Profile

  9. Raymond @ Man On The Lam
    October 31, 2011 Reply

    hmmmm….bratwurst! Yum!!
    Raymond recently posted..A Tale of Two TreksMy Profile

  10. Natalie
    October 28, 2011 Reply

    Sushi – I would love to to try. Also tried haggis and was actually surprised. It is a really tasty dish!
    Natalie recently posted..Five Reasons to Pick Turkey as Your Next Holiday DestinationMy Profile

  11. Gerard ~ GQtrippin
    October 28, 2011 Reply

    Love everything about this post. You might want to add an ‘s’ to ponsored at the top. 🙂
    Gerard ~ GQtrippin recently posted..Memphis Tours Egypt: 2 Day Trip to Cairo & Giza PyramidsMy Profile

  12. Kris Koeller
    October 28, 2011 Reply

    Great recommendations all around, though I can’t really get behind the haggis idea. In the UK I would also recommend a good bangers & mash, or the English breakfast. But all of this makes me hungry.
    Kris Koeller recently posted..Daily Photo: High Above the Atlas MountainsMy Profile

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