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{Japan} Popopure Maid Cafe @Akihabara

Maid Cafes or (メイドカフェ orMei-Do-Ca-Fe) is one of the “Only in Japan” experiences that we had on our to-do list for our trip to Japan. These cafes are different from regular cafes because in most of them, instead of regular waiters and waitresses, you get girls dressed up in french maid costumes serving you; You –> their “masters” and “mistresses”.

The cafes are mostly concentrated in Akihabara. We didn’t have a cafe in mind before arriving in Japan. The only thing we knew was that we SHOULD NOT go to “Pinafore“. Apparently, it is overrated per our friends who has been there. We were also told that if we took the JR train, exited the Akihabara station and walked around a bit, we’d see girls in french maid costumes in every corner giving out flyers to their cafes and can decide then.

Being who we are, we of course went online to determine the “best” maid cafe to go to. We found this article among many websites and articles recommending maid cafes. Cure Maid Cafe was apparently the top maid cafe but its description didn’t really entice us. So we decided to look for the 2nd best maid cafe, the @Home Maid Cafe.


千代田区外神田4-3-3 ドンキホーテ秋葉原店5F

千代田区外神田1-8-10 バウハウス2F

These cafes are usually not on the ground floor. You’ll likely need to take an elevator or walk up some flight of stairs to get to the actual cafe. We walked about for a half hour or so and somehow could not find @Home Maid Cafe. During our search, we kept being given flyers for a Popopure Animation Studio Maid Cafe. The addition of “Animation Studio” in their name intrigued us so we decided to check it out.

Turns out the term “animation studio” is because at this particular cafe, you can voice one of the characters for an anime and get it as a souvenir on a DVD (cost: ~1500 yen). We passed.


千代田区外神田1-8-10 バウハウス2F



Anything you like, really. The most popular dish is apparently Omuraisu (Omelette Rice), so that’s what Jeremy ordered along with coffee. I just had a cup of cappuccino. The maid asked Jeremy to pick an animal. “Rabbit” he says… and this is what we got…

Before we could start eating, we had to first “cast a magic spell” on our food to make it “tastier”. We put our hands together in the shape of a heart and chanted “Moe Moe Kyun!“. A little awkward but definitely put a smile on our faces!


  1. Would we recommend Popopure? It’s clean, well lit and had english speaking maids. Food was OK. Price was expected (Our bill was ~$20). We gave it a 3.5 out of 5.
  2. Give @Home Maid Cafe, Nagomi or any of the other ones on the recommended list here a try if you get a chance and let us know how that goes.
  3. Want your food spoon-fed to you? Apparently, that’s available at Cos-Cha!
  4. All the addresses are called out in the article quoted above.


  1. Kevin November 2, 2018 Reply

    Do you know anything about what good waiter cafes there are?

  2. Michael Lynch ( August 12, 2011 Reply

    {Japan} Popopure Maid Cafe @Akihabara « Idelish

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