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{Tips} Travel Inspiration Through Wild Junket Magazine

What inspires you to travel? How do you pick your next destination?

For those who know us, it might be hard to believe that we too need inspiration when it comes to picking our next travel destination!

[bq_left]WildJunket is a travel blog with a focus on adventure travel, created to inspire others to get off the conventional trail and seek out extraordinary experiences.[/bq_left]We continually seek adventurous and unique travel experiences. While word of mouth from friends, travel bloggers and family are our “staple” for travel inspiration, we also get inspired through magazines, documentaries, movies, books, photography and so on.

When we heard from Nellie Huang that she was taking her travel blog a step forward by releasing a travel e-magazine, we were intrigued.

The 1st issue was released this month and we were given the chance to review it. As you may have guessed, our travel bucket list have just grown after reading about the amazing adventures that were featured in this month’s issue!

WildJunket magazine contains 4 sections:

  1. Destination Features
  2. From the Road
  3. Regulars
  4. Insiders

Diverse Destinations

We especially love the diversity of the destinations that are featured in this magazine. Namibia, The Arctic, Jokkmokk – Sweden, Oman and China are the focus of the Destination features this time around. Gabon, Iran, Mongolia and Tanzania are among the destinations we’ll get to read about in the next edition.

Have you heard of Svalbard archipelago of the Norwegian Arctic? Did you know it is home to more polar bears than human beings? How about the fact that you can participate in snowmobile safari, ice-caving, dog-sledding and sleeping on a ship hotel on ice in Svalbard? These are exactly the kinds of things we look for when we choose our next travel destinations.

WildJunket magazine seems designed specially for Idelish!

From The Road

From the Road includes narratives from the writers’ first hand experience in places such as Nepal, Macedonia, India and Austria!

We never had Austria in our travel bucket list before but after reading about how you can sign up for an igloo building workshop near Vienna with the Austrian Alpine Club, we are sold! Now if we can just acrue enough vacation days to go to Austria and learn how to build igloos…

Stunning Snapshots 

We also love the Snapshots feature in their “Regulars” section that highlights photography from fellow readers and travelers.

When we heard that WildJunket is accepting submissions for their Snapshots feature, we jumped at the opportunity. We submitted our snow monkey shot taken in Nagano, Japan for consideration.

We are thrilled and honored to find out that our photo was selected among the many other stunning photography that were being considered! The beautiful snapshot featuring Reykjavic, Iceland is tempting us to fly to Iceland right now!

Tips and Insider Information

We heard so much about Cappadocia in Turkey and was thrilled to see it featured in the “Insider” section, highlighting a cave hotel. After our experience staying in a cave hotel in Granada and seeing the beautiful full page photo of Cappadocia’s cave hotel that is carved into the Mesa mountain cliff, we know exactly where we’ll be staying when we visit Cappadocia in the future!

There are many more features in this magazine such as travel tips, travel gears, festivals and events on the calendar from around the world etc… that will continue to entertain and inspire you.

Overall Impression

We feel that the content throughout this magazine has been thoughtfully selected and presented in a visually attractive way. The focus on adventure travel and diverse selection of destination is refreshing!

If you are looking for a travel magazine that is diverse in its content, features eye catching, stunning photography, highlights adventurous and unique experiences in different places all over the world, we think you’ll like WildJunket.

You can access their bi-monthly magazine through their online flipbook, PDF download, iOS and Android clients. There is also a magazine flipbook preview you can check out on their site: WildJunket Magazine.

Disclosure: We were provided with a free copy of the February/March edition of WildJunket magazine to review. However, the review remains fully independent with our honest opinions, thoughts and recommendations.



  1. Travel Magazine
    May 17, 2012 Reply

    Very Informative Blog!!!!! thx………
    Travel Magazine recently posted..Classic Italy: FlorenceMy Profile

  2. Howard Jones May 16, 2012 Reply

    The arctic baboon looks so different from the ones I have seen, or is it a monkey. Anyways your photography skills are very great. Thanks a lot for sharing.

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