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{Tips} Family Trips Are The Most Memorable!

We realized recently that when we asked around what everyone’s most memorable trips were, many would say “road trip with family when I was a child“. While some would reminisce on recent trips they’ve made, a majority would recall their childhood road trips as their most memorable trips.

We are no different. Our most memorable trips are the ones we took with our family when we’re young.

Just because we’re all grown up now does not mean it’s the end of family trips. Even though we’re on the other side of the world from our family (they’re in Asia, we’re in North America), we still make it a point to go on a family trip once a year!

Last year, we went to India.

It’s not the destination but the experience that matters.

My favorite moment of our trip to India was when all 7 of us (Jeremy is on the top bunk taking pictures) squeezed into one cabin on our train ride from Jodhpur to New Delhi to eat our dinner that we got to go right before we boarded the train. We ate our dinner with our luggages overlaid with newspaper as our ‘dining table’. It was the best meal we had on our trip.

family trip

We ate our dinner with our luggages overlaid with newspaper as our ‘dining table’. It was the best meal we had on our trip.

Do you go on annual family trips? We’d love to hear your family trip stories and tips! Do share by leaving a comment below.


  1. Irshaad Ali March 16, 2020 Reply

    Absolutely, I am totally agreed with the title especially if you ever travel with family in childhood.
    Great Post.

  2. Yes? Family Trips Are The Most Memorable! via @idelishtravel

  3. {Tips} Family Trips Are The Most Memorable! via @sharethis

  4. Audrey June 10, 2012 Reply

    Looks like such a memorable experience. I love that shot of your family eating together in the train carriage.
    Audrey recently posted..Introducing Backpacking Travel BlogMy Profile

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